Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goat Kids Have Started to Arrive!!!

This morning when we went out to the barn we were slightly surprised to find two slimy, wet doelings.  About a week ago Precious (our Nubian doe) appeared to be starting to loose her plug.  Since then she has been dry every time we checked.  The only indication that she was starting to get close was her utter filling.   So we were a bit surprised to find her with kids this morning.

Having them still very much in need of drying off and Precious doing her best to clean them while still trying to pass the afterbirth, I went and got some towels and dried them off for her.  Above is a photo of Primrose still a bit wet.

Primrose and Butterfly

They soon were dry and happy!  Butterfly has a great set of lungs on her and is quick to let you know that she is not really a fan of heights.  She would much rather have her feet planted firmly on the ground, thank you!  Mother and kids are doing great and resting well.

Butterfly and Primrose
 So tonight Faith (our Alpine/Toggenburg doe) who is as big as a house, and Katie (our Alpine/Sanaan doe) who was starting to seriously form an utter, are both deposited into cozy birthing stalls. 

We will see what tomorrow brings.