Saturday, April 7, 2012

Venturing into Sheep???

My true goal is to farm full time.  I believe in this economy the only way to do this is to be all purpose.  I believe we need to produce near everything that we consume here at home. So when a friend called to say she has a lamb ram that had been rejected by it's mother and asked if I would like it, what else could I say but YES! 

But very quickly my youngest daughter, Rhiannon, decided that she was to be his mother.  She carries him everywhere and feeds him his milk from a bottle.  If she puts him down and walks or runs away he quickly follows her.  So I am believing that instead of gaining a lamb for meat, I may now need to look for a ewe for him.  She does not become overly attached to any of the calves that we bring home.  But she was even up bright and early this morning to feed him.  I think that he only is in his pen when he is sleeping and sometimes she holds him so long that he sleeps on her.

Naming critters this year seems to have been a bit of a challenge for us.  The calf that we recently got had no name for days.  Now Rhiannon is calling the newest addition "Little Big Man."  After quite a discussion it was finally decided that his name would be "Clark", as in Clark Gable.  However I believe she will continue to call him "Little Big Man" and that may be the only name he ever truly knows.

Now the search for a ewe is on.   We will see, plans always have a way of changing around here. 

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