Sunday, March 4, 2012

Waiting for the Kids

We are currently waiting for the kids to arrive.  We have three does who are bred.  Kidding should start here on the farm mid April. 
Katie (Sanaan/Alpine Cross)
Last spring we doubled our Goat herd when we had three does kid.  Vivien, our Lamancha, had triplets, two does and one buck.  Faith, our Toggenburg/Alpine cross, had twins does.  Precious, our Nubian, had a single doe.  That took our herd of four does to a herd of nine does and one buck.  We lost the buck within a few days and later in the winter lost one of the Lamancha cross does to a hay crib accident.  Now we still have twice as many does as we had at the beginning of kidding last spring.  We purchased Leo, a 1/4 Sanaan, 1/4 Alpine, 1/2 Oberhasli buck, from another local farm.  That gives us a total of eight does and one buck for the start of this kidding season.  Like I said previously we have three bred for this spring.  We will breed the four does who were born last spring this spring along with Vivien.   This is in an effort to create two breeding groups and have fresh goats milk and cheese year round.  I have read that this can be done and I am hoping to be successful with it.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for news of kidding and pictures of baby goats!

Thanks to all who are reading my blog and please let me know what you would like to hear about.

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