Saturday, February 18, 2012

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

As the days are getting longer and warmer, at least we hope they will stay warmer, We have seen an increase in our Duck Egg production.  We have a flock of 12 ducks.  Our flock includes a variety.  We have Mallard, Welsh Harlequin, Cayuga, Pekin, Muscovy, Runner, and Swedish, to name a few. We have enjoyed the variety of eggs that they provide us.  Just this week one of the Cayuga's started laying and to my amazement she laid a dark gray almost black egg.

Gray/Black Egg from our Cayuga

We also are getting green tinted and white duck eggs.  See photo below.  Cayuga's will lay a very dark egg at first and each day the egg will lighten in color some.  In the photo above you see the first egg she laid is very dark while the second egg (in the photo below) is slightly lighter in color.

A gray, green and white duck egg with a large brown chicken egg.
 In addition our Ducks, who have turned up the heat on their eggs, we are also getting a large number of chicken eggs.  We also have a large assortment of chickens.  Some of our chickens lay very large eggs, almost as big and some actually bigger than the duck eggs.  Our Chickens really started laying in large quantities around November and have not slowed down all winter.  We are currently getting on average 30 eggs a day. 

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